Veggie Fajita Quesadilla with spinach and corn rice

>> Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quick fix Mexican - My entry for the "Summer Express cooking event"

Things you will need:

Wheat/Flour Tortillas
Can of fried beans ( I used a mix of Black beans, Pinto beans and Red kidney beans)
Kraft mexican grated cheese mix
One small onion
1/2 Bell pepper
Olive oil
Black pepper


1.) Prepare the Fajita mix ( 5-8 minutes)
In a skillet heat 1/2 tbsp o olive oil and 1/2 tbsp of butter. Saute' onions and green bell peppers ( sliced in thin long strips). Heat until the onions become translucent. Sprinkle freshly grounded black pepper and salt. Mix well and keep aside.Meanwhile also slightly warm the beans(1-2 mins) in the microwave.
Fajita mix - saute'd onions and bell peppers

2.) Assemble the Quesadilla( 5 minutes)

heat a little butter on a flat pan. place the tortilla and heat it till it starts getting a bit crisp. sprinkle cheese generously on one half of the tortilla, then spread the beans and the fajita mix. Add some more cheese and then fold the Tortilla in half. Heat the Tortilla on both sides till the cheese melts. Place carefully in a plate and cut into wedges using a sharp knife or a pizza cutter.

Cheeeezyyy huh??

3. ) Relish the cheesy delight with a side of chips and salsa.
I also stir fried left over rice with spinach and corn to complete the meal. (8-10 mins). It took me close to 20 mins. to prepare the meal, but believe me we ate it all in less than 10!Enjoy...:)

Veggie Quesadilla and spinach fried rice


Mallugirl,  7:46 AM  

quesa. are so easy to make and so filling. ur entire paltter looks very inviting.

Asha 8:48 AM  

I love those too, looks yum Vani:)

Vani 10:06 AM  

Asha, Shaheen thanx for your kind comments :)

Nupur 5:56 AM  

That looks like such a delicious meal! I would gobble it up in about 30 seconds :D

bee 1:05 PM  

you have a nice site here, vani. will add you to the blogroll.

Vani 8:23 PM  

Nupur : Thanx Nupur! I almost wanted to take a bit while it was still on the skillet:)

Bee: Thank you!!!! And I love Jugalbandi:)

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