>> Friday, March 18, 2005

"Spring happened.."

Was I too engrossed in my ownself to have realised that?How could I have not noticed those reds and yellows and greens colouring all that was earlier dark and grey and bleaky..
The season is changing and so am I.With spring have come new hopes,new dreams.new aspirations..

A new feeling,its lovely,its colourful. AS beautiful as the spring. I hope it stays,for now,for ever and for ever..



>> Thursday, March 03, 2005

Getting up at nine
A bright sunshine,

A mug full of hot tea ,
as strong as it could be,

lighting the lamp, a small prayer
That silence,as precious and rare,

Rushing for a morning class
The spring flowers, the lovely green grass,

An icecream cone
having it all alone;-)

Few dollars earned
A smile returned,

The long evening walks
Those never ending talks,

A call from a friend
Differences coming to n end,

The corner lamp with its soft glow
A book in hand n places to go,

Thinking about the day in bed
smiling over the things unsaid,

Somebody remembering me far away
is all it takes to make my day..!!


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