Click Au Naturel : Earthly Delight

>> Monday, April 21, 2008

"Vakda tikda hathi pai nakha,
vedya aala re aala"

As a kid I remember my grandpa asking us to solve this riddle (in marathi), the answer to which is hidden in the riddle itself. :D. Here is my best shot at translating it in English:

"crooked n twisted,with nails on it's numerous hands and feet,
oh! fool it's here, it's here"

The answer ofcourse is

or "Aalay" in Marathi has 2 meanings One: "(something's) here" and two: "ginger". :D
The above picture is my entry to the click it (Au Naturel) event hosted by Jugalbandi. Thanks Bee and Jai for such a wonderful event, I had fun writing this post..:D

And here is a picture of Honey Ginger Tofu I made few weeks back taking tips from this recipe and one of those little recipe cards avalibale in the Publix vegetables section. Enjoy. :)


Home made Hummus with warm pita bread

I used This simple recipe for Hummus from Happy Foody. Tasted yummy!


April Atlanta

>> Saturday, April 05, 2008

Gush of morning wind,
dogwood flowers in white and pink...

Day Lily's , Daisies and tulips in red,
swaths of yellow pollen on the lovely green spreads...

Beautiful days, the fresh in the air,
open windows, bright patio chairs...

Art festivals, concerts and lively parades,
floral dresses, flip-flops, the coolest of shades...

Delighted I am, merrily I sing,
Ah! the city is prettiest in spring...


April Fool's Day

>> Wednesday, April 02, 2008

"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year."
- Mark Twain


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