Truly me

>> Friday, September 23, 2005

"But when I call upon my DASHING BEING,
out comes the same OLD LAZY SELF,
and so I never know just WHO I AM,nor how many I am,
I would like to be able to touch a bell
and call up my real self, the truly me,
because if I really need my proper self,
I must not allow myself to disappear."

Extracted from "we are many" by Pablo Neruda.

See thats truly me, I need other people's words even to describe my own state of being. I'm always at a loss of words. Constantly searching for an expression. Anywhere but my own self......


The ground beneath her feet

>> Tuesday, September 06, 2005

'All my life, I worshipped her
Her golden voice, her beauty’s beat
How she made us feel
How she made me real
And the ground beneath her feet
And the ground beneath her feet

And now I can’t be sure of anything
Black is white, and cold is heat
For what I worshipped stole my love away
It was the ground beneath her feet
It was the ground beneath her feet

Go lightly down your darkened way
Go lightly underground
I’ll be down there in another day
I won’t rest until you’re found

Let me love you true, let me rescue you
Let me lead you to where two roads meet
O come back above Where there’s only love
And the ground beneath her feet
And the ground beneath her feet'

Reading Rushdie's 'Ground beneath her feet.'

of Love and lust and passion..
Rock and Roll and twisted allusions..
So far so good.


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